Author & Book Marketing
One of the most missed and misunderstood aspects of becoming an author and of getting published is the marketing of both, book and you as the author. Most writers only think as far as their writing and trust that even when their work gets picked up by a traditional publisher with all the right networks and media connection, that all they have to do is write and then enjoy the steady climb to stardom.
Nothing could be more wrong. Even when you are with a top publisher, you still have to and are responsible for a large chunk of the book and author marketing, your own personal brand and all the digital assets that are needed. Not only this, but often, publishers will actually disregard your work if you haven’t got the online presence, the following and the standing to help sell the book they are publishing.
And, if you are like most writers, then you are a writer – not. a marketer. Therein lies not only a fundamental problem, but often also the challenges to get published in the first place. Naturally, when you self-publish your book or look at a hybrid-publishing scenario, the responsibility and need for you to market yourself and your book only increases.
So, like it or not, whether you have the skills or are willing to learn these or hire people to do it for you, you will need to be able to market yourself as an author and your book with finesse and smarts so you can actually get your work out there to the readers you want to reach.
This, unfortunately, does not go away. So, you better make friends with the idea. Now, we have worked with countless authors, writers, speakers, experts and business folk in doing just that – market them and their work. Our publishing packages include a lot of the essential building blocks of marketing and dependent of the package and suit of services you choose, even the implementation. But you still have to be part of this process, it is not a completely done-for-you situation. You have to take ownership.
After all, the bestselling books out there are not the best written or best books in terms of content, but the best marketed books, hence the bestseller status…
We are sure, you have a bundle of questions on this, especially, since marketing yourself starts when you pitch your manuscript to a publisher. For this reason we provide an Author Marketing Session in which you can assess your market standing, discover avenues to improve on this and to start taking the right steps even well before your manuscript or book is even near ready.
Remember – everything in the world we live in is branded and marketed – everything. Why should you or your book be successful if it is not?